Sep 3, 2018

National Socialist News Canada :: Toronto Crime Statistics Analysis

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"Black gangs are the problem in Toronto, not guns
Brett Herbert Wettlaufer:  
With the recent shooting at the Yorkdale mall and in the midst of the Trudeau government’s call for stricter gun laws, there has been much discussion about firearms and their role in Canadian society, particularly regarding violent crime in Toronto, which is out of control.
With this topic in mind, let’s take a look at the facts. According to Statistics Canada in 2011 there were 7 million non-restricted firearms registered in Canada and according to CBC, the number of restricted firearms in Canada in 2015 was over 795,000.
In spite of these numbers firearm use in violent crime remains relatively low, considering the number of firearms in public possession. Statistics Canada cites 5,600 violent crimes involving a firearm in 2012, a rate of 21 per 100,000 of the population. The rate of non-firearm related crimes was 49% higher at 1,033 per 100,000.
So, if the vast majority of firearm owners aren’t using their firearms for crime and most violent crime isn’t committed with a firearm, why is Trudeau putting so much of the focus on restricting firearms as a solution to the increase in gun crime in Toronto?
Perhaps because the real problem is less politically correct and thus less friendly to their agenda. The real problem is black gangs.
While most gun owners are peaceful law abiding citizens and the vast majority of legally owned firearms are not used in crimes, the black community in Canada is disproportionately involved in violent crime and gang activity. According to the John Howard Society, in Nova Scotia blacks make up only 2% of the population but make up 14% of the prison population. Between 1992 and 2003 blacks made up 36% of offenders in Toronto area despite making up only 10% of the Toronto population in the same time period. According to a 2015 article from the Toronto Star, while blacks made up only 6% of the population in the Jane and Finch neighbourhood, they were the offenders in 82% of robberies, 55% of purse snatchings and 51% of drug offences the previous year.
In conclusion, what we can see is that the numbers show there is no problem with legal gun owners in Canada. No problem with Canadian gun law as it stands. The issue is with the community and overwhelmingly, one community in particular. "

--- National Socialist Canadian Labour Revivial Party is founded by and led by Michael Thurlow 

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