Sep 10, 2018

Stellar 432 Hz .. new music launch September 11, 2018 at 11 AM

A Year in the Making.... The new Magdalene Codes album will be launched on September 11th 2018. A time and auspicious date when We, by Sovereign Decree, Anchor the new Divine Feminine Christos Codes on this Beloved Earth.

So much has happened in one year since we embarked on this Divinely lead and guided project.

Our Beloved Sacred Guide Tibor, who brought all the priestesses from several lineages back to this sacred land, departed his earthly body this May 2018 and his voice, energy and Love will be ever immortalised on this album just as his sacred paintings will live in our hearts forever.

Prepare for something really truly sonically magical and special. Dedicated to my Gnostic Soulmate, Tibor and to the 22 Magdalenes and many more that made this album happen with the beautiful voices of their hearts. The Sound of the Voice is sweet, But the Voice of the Heart is Pure Heaven.

Special gratitude to dear Soul Brother Craig Pruess for his otherworldly, multi-dimensional awareness and incredible ability to read the whole orchestral score before it was even created and to read sonically the best bits of our voices and pull it through dimension to here and now. We will do a Live on this incredible way of making music soon.

Join us for our synchronised ceremony on 11th September 2018

Incredible Visionary Art by Lars Doerwald of LD Elements

All my Love. Stellar 

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