Sep 9, 2018

The Aeonic Earth Mother Guides the Native Peoples into Their Racial Memory Lines

Radio Gaianym BREAKING NOUS: A special report on anomalies of skywatching that indicate the designs and purposes of the Planetary Animal Mother as Correction advances. 

Illustration: The paranatellon of jupiter setting, September 2018, Northern Spain: note venus in the Virgin close to setting, jupiter to the left (east), then saturn, then mars. Initially when observing this anomaly, venus was closely to the line of the Ecliptic but has now dropped below, just a bit. 

The Aeonic Earth Mother Guides the Native Peoples into Their Racial Memory-Lines: she applies the power of her Dreaming to align them to their origins and prepare them to reclaim sovereign identity. 

Ginny, Crooked Claw, and JLL discuss events of September 8, 2018

PARANATELLON: par-uh-NAT-uh-lonn. Plural paranatella, par-uh-NAT-uh-lah 

Azimuth: In the Phainomorphic Field:

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