Mar 19, 2020

Canada Voted October 21, 2019 -- What Does It Mean For Our Nation's Future?

"Beausejour" has been dominated 
by Liberal Dominic Leblanc for 20 years.

Beausejour is a riding made up of a majority of 
francophones and anglophones ...
white European heritage stock.. aka old stock Canadians...
about 82,000 people of which about 66,000 are eligible voters.

Voters chose ailing Dominic Leblanc again in 2019...
Justin Trudeau his friend has said Canada is a 
post-national state..
Trudeau sold out our people and nation to UN and globalists' goals
and inflicted massive unprecedented immigration levels on us ... why? 

" Century Initiative "

I voted for Vincent Cormier a Conservative candidate for 
CPC Party led by Andrew Scheer..
and the majority of Canadians voted as I did... 

Former NB premier comments on 'fake news' .. that's rich...

Whether itโ€™s the sheer amount of fake news out there, or the fact that fake news simply travels faster than objective news - click below to learn about the factors at play that contribute to climate change denial. "

Green NGO Mum Laura is "a funded food director" and she wants you to pay carbon tax .. and so does your Green MLA Megan Mitton.  The Green Party advocates more taxation and more re-distribution of wealth!  #carbon tax is theft!

Laura & Megan "shared" a campaign manager / handler - an aggressive German-born failed candidate for Mayor of Sackville and very well-connected and funded consultant/extremist technocrat by the name of Sabine Dietz - a very vocal climate hysteric and a true believer .. green eco-fascism needs to be exposed and stamped out.. we must all recognize and stop promoting UN's Agenda 2030... and we must recognize who are those people locally promoting that globalists' control agenda.

Green Carolle and Green Liz advocate unsustainable wide open borders, mass immigration..

Laura's Green Team offered " FREE TUITION " notice to the students via Mount Allison's Student University newspaper "The Argosy"

Our province had free education under Liberal Premier Brian Gallant previously .. but the vote for Greens like Megan Mitton erased that Liberal majority in 2018. Brian Gallant now has a job with the Ryerson University president

Other emerging political parties include:,, and

Birds of a feather.... photo from Facebook..

Just not a fan of the 'green new deal' club promoting UN's Agenda 2030 at all:

Why don't the greens ever advocate the industrial hemp economy instead of more taxation? Are they trying to help us or rob us? Don't they know co2 is plant food not pollution..  that in fact plants need co2 ? What gives?

As long as the anti-oil and anti-pipeline and anti-oil sands and anti-gas university types enjoy a comfortable existence here in Canada I will continue to advocate for industry and development and for respecting our hardworking Canadians in the oil patch.  If the workers all lost their jobs tomorrow MAFA couldn't give a rat's ass because they are out of touch with working class folk.

There is epic social engineering by so many funded minions and their allies in the ivory towers of academia.  Greta Thunberg is an ill-informed, emotional trainwreck from Sweden ... .....

Green influencers promote 'the new economy' or 'social economy' and 
they make more noise and meddle the most in policy & affairs
because they know how to mooch and help themselves
to government/taxpayer money .. #gibsmedats

they distort reality and project their paranoia onto the rest of us...
since when did listening to teenagers as the authority
on science make any sense at all?
Carbon Tax Is Theft - No Carbon Tax

Behind the scenes technocrats such as Sabine serve the
scientific dictatorship, not the voters.. their agenda
is the U.N. Agenda 2030.. research it...

Sabine D. ran for Mayor and lost in 2012.. she connected with "Nature NB" and is a German born Canadian.  Re-drawing our [flood] maps to de-value property in the region is just one of her many passtimes/interests.

Sabine's pal Margo T-K a former town councillor is part of the crew responsible for the United Nations inflicted "Climate Action Plan" and "Sustainable Sackville Plan" - Margo also ran for Green MLA and she lost in 2010.

What is a 'social entrepreneur' ? 
A nannystatist.

... technocrats know exactly who their
bread is buttered by.. they are
 useful idiot and allies and 'change agents'  
for the planned economy aka communitarianism .. 
and they will promote only their agenda .. 
including the ludicrous "Climate Fear Week"  
that takes place here annually now...

these people make a lot of noise, spread a lot of fear-mongering,
generate a lot of hot air and overall
are very disruptive to our collective peace and quiet.. 
turning an idyllic small town into something resembling a zombie cult..
and look how they promote the taxation of Canadians!
It is sickening!

My Recommendations:
 Dr. Tim Ball ....

Encouraging a generation of 'protestors' is not a helpful plan...
If they weren't upsetting OUR children I wonder what they would do?

[photo credit to Bruce Wark,]
Better to question and to raise children who think critically...

I'm opposed to the Green party policies because they are directly inline with the UN's Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for Global Governance.  Reading about Liz May years ago in Elaine Dewar's book "Cloak of Green" I became educated on what the globalists are doing to our nation through their non-governmental organizations.... there's a copy of "Cloak of Green" at the library of Mount Allison University but it looks like I'm the only one who had read it in over 20 years when I found it a few years ago.
More importantly on the Green NGO Mum Laura and her very radical and extremist demands...

There is no shortage of people willing to attack our ethical industries in Canada, as well as busy themselves meddling and interferring around our elections:

This region could really use a great concrete skatepark project to improve the recreational opportunities of our youth and increase tourism for the town.

Canadians must wake up and resist UN Agenda 2030 destruction of our nation #stop technocracy
#stop UN Agenda 2030
Understand this:
The United Nations is not your friend.

When you understand the products of our university indoctrination camps you'll begin to understand why they must be defunded or rehabilitated, and soon.

yesterday, Husky announced itโ€™s laying off 370 workers despite receiving a $233 million dollar tax cut. this wonโ€™t get Albertans back to work and you know it. fighting for a #GreenNewDeal and for the 1000s of public sector workers losing their jobs is the only thing that will.

1 comment:

  1. You'd think that the Greens, who are so keen to protect Earth and all of its species, would also care about protecting local cultures.

    Somehow, though, they don't, and are "open borders" - dilution of local cultures, and movement of people towards high-consumption societies.

    Is it just me, or does this seem totally inconsistent?

    Could it be that they really have an ulterior motive that has nothing to do with the earth/environment, and that they're using that as just an excuse for more control?
