Jan 6, 2021

Paying Attention Yet-----Fines? #Shit List #Fascists #JustDoingTheirJobs #Stasi #Snitches


Who is the snitchy sneaky nazi rat bitch who runs the Town of Sackville's Facebook and Twitter accounts?  Is it Ron Kelly Spurles?  Threatening locals with fines???? Not-so-sweet and very unwelcoming ... according to the advice you're to pesker the police with nonsense calls snitching on the behaviour of others in our sweet little town on the marsh.. Wow.. perhaps Ron doesn't know how offensive his online behaviour truly is as Tourism Manager ... he has been known in past years to film me with his camera and threaten to call the police on me for talking to him.. yeah he's just that creepy.  Hey Ron, you don't get to ruin our lovely peaceful town with your bullying tactics and aggressive & uncalled for behaviour and threats.  Get real.  This is the notice they published on their Town Hall Twitter.  Hardly a welcoming and kind and sweet way to live is it? 

#Fire Ron Kelly Spurles 

#No Fascism Here

# No Fines

# No Mandated Masks

# No Snitch Culture

#No Nazi Germany 2.0

1 comment:

  1. This place should probably be renamed Karenville.

    As you say, now we know who would have been on the side of the Stasi.

    I take issue with your seeing this town as sweet. It's very far from that.
    It's actually a cesspit of left-fascists.
