May 15, 2022

How To Recognize "Change Agents" for Global SDGs Sustainable Development Goals of U.N. Agenda 2030?

Technocrats' puppet Boudreau posing with his snack mobile on campus.... what a circus performer

 Easy enough to identify and to spot these 'agents for change' and their efforts to demand submission to the oppressive global governance agenda:  they get heavily praised and rewarded for their deeds to enforce submission to a global cult.  A global cult for the willing useful idiots only...

PM to attend WEF moot at Davos - Business Recorder (

More at this video link on

May 22, 2022 NWO/WEF/UN/WHO Agenda for Total Control Advancing (

- UN Agenda 2030 sustainable development is an agenda for exploitation, control, scarcity and misery... its their goal... not our goal... this is the future for the obedient people who do not resist these totalitarian planners. "Change Agents" are advanced, rewarded, praised and recognized in this system for their contributions to achieving these SDG goals. [such as JP Boudreau at]

Since when did a university education include toddler bouncy castles on campus?  In the eyes of these 'global change agents' you are just little children who pay large sums of money to attend only to be dumbed-down and treated as simpletons... pawns... it seems to be working J.B.

You will recall this 'change agent' enforced mandated lockdowns, quarantines, facemasks, experimental vaccines, testing and fear during the past two+ years.... never forget his rotten deeds.

The prestige factor is not lost on me.... believe me--

money buys a lot of people in this world but be assured not everyone has joined their global cult.

Universities and colleges are merely lucrative charities...

heavily subsidized and privileged organizations that exist as charities in order to grift more freely... 

Notice has been duly given by Greg Hallett in 2007... from the book "Stalin's British Training, Breeding Concubines, Paedophiles at War" as follows:

"8 March 2007

Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

Dear Your Majesty the Queen,

Its worse than we thought.

Official British History is bunkum.  The Reverends, Bishops, and Boy Scouts sent out to the colonies turned out to be army colonels who colonised through paedophilia, torture and arms.

The war heroes you most honoured turned out to be homosexual, child-sex, abusing necrophilliacs.  Your supposed enemies turned out to be your agents who removed your cousins in opposing monarchies.  Your prime ministers turned out to be your nephews and your bankers turned out to be your parents.

Your genealogy is illegitimate and the only consistent breeding line has been secret society spy bankers who used you to declare war whenever you were prepared.  Never has a double agent family, like your own, been so completely involved in treachery, and such expansive treachery.

From the close scrutiny of history, which is your
history, I have come to the conclusion that the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, Windsors, and Mountbattens are illegitimate treasonous double agent families who should be exiled from anything commoners call integrity.

You are the descendants of a long line of anarchists and in the correct light of history you have pirate status.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Hallett"

I've been blogging about Greg Hallett since 2010 in New Brunswick, among other important voices...

1 comment:

  1. Bouncy castles for the toddlers... how appropriate Mt.A... the dumbing down continues.
