#BuildBackBeauty ~ Mayor Shawn Mesheau said: "We are setting the foundation for the generations to come. How exciting is that! Our population will be 9,100 and our tax base $1 billion." C0nc3nt4t10n c4mp5 w3r3 fund3d by b1g ph4rm4, for slave labor 🏴 Cash is King 🦊 Stop apologizing - start living 🐺 SMASH TECHNOCRACY - Defund FCM 😎 Demure GenX Artivist Photographer ~ "Attention, acceptance, acknowledgement, non-reaction" - Greg Hallett
May 15, 2022
The Importance of Being Ethical, with Jordan Peterson
Hoover Institute video..
Recorded on April 20, 2022, as part of a Classical Liberalism Seminar at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.
Jordan Peterson has now left the University of Toronto to devote himself full time to lectures and podcasts.... his body language tells me that he is extremely upset and pissed off. Peterson is probably one of the most vocal critics of Justin Trudeau and due to his very high profile on social media he does have an impact-- but he has never discussed the role Trudeau plays as a 'Crown' agent of the Queen.. following orders for the agenda of "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" from the UK.
Interview is from April 2022... furthermore:
"Stupid Me, That's How I Feel About It" - Jordan Peterson Says He Regrets Taking Vaccine
Jordan Bernt Peterson, born June 12, 1962, known as the outspoken Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, YouTube personality, and author. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his views on cultural and political issues, often described as conservative.
I will stand with anyone opposing the eugenicists.
I have mirrored this video on Bitchute.com ... its probably a good place to have some conversations and get feedback... check it out... I'm all for free speech too.. and liberty is taken, never given!
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