Oct 28, 2018

Advice to Students "Film Your Marxists Professors" .. link to Facebook page included

Facebook page link here
A project initiated in the current campus culture of anti-white hatred and the unrelenting academic onslaughts called 'cultural marxism'...... enjoy being filmed professors...... you might become famous! [ in Canada also check safs.ca ]

"I'm proud to be black said the black man
I'm proud to be Muslim said the Muslim man
I'm proud to be Latino said the Latino man

I'm proud to be Caucasian said the racist

If diversity is so awesome, why does it have to be imposed by force? If 'diversity' is so wonderful, why have all the English people moved out of London? Why is it only Caucasian countries have to be diverse? Diversity isn't a strength. Its something that can be traced to the destruction of Nations since written history. Unity is our strength. Diversity is our burden" - American student

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