Nov 8, 2018

Sackville Schools 2020 .. Big Spenders Big Time Crazy

The Town has three public schools which is great but admittedly the middle school is in rough shape and could be bulldozed... perhaps in its place a great skatepark youth centre, adventure outdoors recreational zone, expanded dirt bike park, fitness circuit, jogging trail, etc....  - since its over 2 acres at least .. but that still means we are up with two good schools built relatively recently... that aside speadheading this initiative are Kata/Katalin/Agnes/Katko? who is a newcomer [ Happy to report that Agnes has completed all course requirements and is now a certified Forest School Practitioner through Forest School Canada / Child and Nature Alliance of Canada! Thank you toRenaissance Sackville for providing funding. Also, thanks to Mavis for being such a great advisor! We look forward to a time when Wild Wonder is able to be able to offer year-round forest school programs in the Sackville area! 🦊☀️🌲 ] with an professor [ and 'community organizer' ]  Michael Fox working hard to 'astroturf' / fake popularity for their cause/project online, such as this:

Katalin Koller So many wonderful ideas. Good luck! It would enrich everybody’s life in the community !



Kata Koller Onward and upward!


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Laura Reinsborough It's so encouraging to read what was quoted from the Superintendent: Ingersoll said the school district is seeing more and more communities like Sackville that want to be closely involved in the future of education.

"People really want to have a say i
n not only where their school is but what does a school look like, and how does it fit into the community," Ingersoll said.

... definitely leaves me to think they have more than buildings on their minds..... they'd like to 'make-over' education in their own "utopian" image of what the students should be learning [how very typical].. the elementary school and the highschool could both be enlarged and no fuss made... but this is probably not good enough for the dreamers and the big time spenders in this town.. they're looking for 'community' buy-in .. they're laughable and they're promoted by the Mayor Higham [a consummate meddler] and Sackville Tribune Post.

Local newspaper doesn't lift a finger to help to promote "Tantramar Skate Park" project.. zero thanks Katie & Scott .. you're really something .. the 'community organizers' must have you muzzled tight because I know that you know about the skatepark kids' project.. you've just chosen to ignore its value.. which is unfortunate... I'm always amazed a very small group of people control the news.

There are far too many social engineers and control freaks in this small town.. that's why nothing really cool and really fun ever happens here.. there's just a whole lot of nobodies telling the rest of the nobodies how to think... lame.

The ongoing hype and coverage for Sackville Schools 2020 continues because its an effort by the social engineering locals to drown out the work being done by me at my blogger since 2011... I've never received the community seal of approval although I've been successful and the local school has removed the toxic rinse. I'm concerned there are 'social justice' agendas at play that people might not be aware of [including the decolonization propaganda]

I know they think they're all doing this really cute dreamy visioning thing .. since they banned me early on for asking them questions .. I just don't appreciate these ivory tower dreamers wasting taxpayer money on their fantasies.... perhaps the new Premier PC leader Blaine Higgs will laugh at them as well .. I hope the Superintendant doesn't think these people represent most sensible taxpayers.

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