Sep 13, 2022

Reposting: Sackville's Film Society and Saving The Vogue Cinema .. During {Ongoing} Coviet Times {with Thaddeus}

Sackville's Film Society was founded in the 1970s... 
founder Thaddeus Holownia, retired art guy from the university

"Vogue Cinema" on Bridge Street 
downtown Sackville...

This week their film season opens again with 
a Leonard Cohen film.. 
report here from CHMA with Erica Butler..
and Thaddeus Holownia:

... how to help the theatre continue... 
donate to owner of Vogue Jeff Coates' 
at this gofundme campaign...

Thinking of becoming a member of this elite "Society" clique?
The demographics are boomers... so I'm out... 
Gen X like me don't play their coviet games..

“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member” ― Groucho Marx

Check out their online presence @ Facebook group

Mailing Address:  Sackville Film Society, PO Box 6393 Sackville NB E4L 1G6

Recall that previously Facebook page had the list of films coming up and 
what's going on with the 100 max. capacity..
Masks required.... and concerns about vaxxed... 
by a panicked Susan Fisher... 

[begs the question are the unvaxxed the new jews?]

"Susan Fisher
Wondering if vaccinations will be mandatory? It will affect my decision if there is no mandate. I don't mean to be difficult, just want to be safe. Thx"

Is Susan Fisher [Sackville's Rotary Club] unable to respect "vaxx choice" ?

Coviet reporter / vaxx promoter / 
big pharma sales executive 
Erica Butler CHMA talked to Thaddeus 
about his film group's plans here:

Communitarian Minion Thaddeus assures Butler she is definitely part of their 'community' and advises that the 6-Pack's are sold out. A limited number of full memberships remain.

"Community is a dictatorship" - Niki Raapana, rest in power, 1956-2022
At this link:  2020_ebook.pdf (

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