Sep 13, 2022

Scotland's Rory - A Legend is Born in the UK

 Young people today have been able to do online research that previous generations couldn't do...

What did Rory do? He heckled Prince Andrew

Royal protests: Concerns raised over policing following Queen’s death (

Joseph Anderson on Twitter: "Breaking: Police Scotland have confirmed that the 22-year-old man arrested on the Royal Mile yesterday has been charged with a breach of the peace. He is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on an undisclosed date" / Twitter

Joseph Anderson on Twitter: "Spoke to the protestor who was arrested on the Royal Mile today for shouting abuse at Prince Andrew during the Queen’s procession - his name is Rory, here’s what he had to say:" / Twitter

Christopher Marshall on Twitter: "Prince Andrew heckled as the Queen's coffin passes" / Twitter

Kaya Burgess on Twitter: "Blimey, keep an eye on the man shouting in the right of the shot. Someone behind him clearly did not take kindly to his shouting" / Twitter

How well loved are these British Royals in 2022? 

A few locals have articles on the 'passing of the queen' at the links below:

Tantramarshire... est. 2015: The end of an era in the UK .. With Bruce Wark - (

Is the world upside down? Canada’s La Presse tweet seems to suggest getting rid of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the day of her death while Lebanon seems to think it is part of the Commonwealth? Luckily there is Mr. Blanchet, respectful, regardless of any political conviction – Bambi's Afkar (

Queen Elizabeth’s death evokes mixed feelings in Sackville & abroad | (

For what's its worth, Rory did nothing wrong... he is just speaking his mind in a f*cked up world.

Opulent 'royals' are obnoxious in my opinion:
Inside Prince Charles And Camilla's Gorgeous Home - YouTube

Janet Hammock's commentary at Bruce Wark's site is worth re-sharing here:

"Janet hammock says:

After reading the article, and the comments which follow, I felt compelled to cite an example — just one of thousands — which highlights the problem with the monarchy. An article in today’s New York Times presents facts about what is referred to as the royalty’s “untold wealth” — the Duchy of Cornwall — and what King Charles, while Prince, did with it. These facts are readily available, yet are “unseen” — ignored by those who love the pomp and circumstance, the sacred tradition, of the British monarchy.

The article is entitled “King Charles Inherits Untold Riches and Passes Off His Own Empire”.

While some respectfully sing “God Save the King” there are others living within a stone’s throw of the vast royal richnesses, who are starving. Many, many people. In many, many so-called “common wealth” countries throughout the world.

Who is singing a song for them? I don’t think it’s the folks living in utter poverty who are leaving the marmalade sandwiches, flowers (sans plastic wrap) and Paddington Bears propped up against the locked gates of Buckingham Palace.

The Queen, and now King Charles, continually proclaim they are “serving the people”. I guess if something is repeated often enough, some folks believe it is true.

What to do about it all? Talk about it. Everywhere. Even here, Ethel!"

And why wouldn't you want to question the truth about the 'royal family'? 

Notice has been duly given by Greg Hallett in 2007... from the book "Stalin's British Training, Breeding Concubines, Paedophiles at War" as follows:

"8 March 2007

Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

Dear Your Majesty the Queen,

Its worse than we thought.

Official British History is bunkum. The Reverends, Bishops, and Boy Scouts sent out to the colonies turned out to be army colonels who colonised through paedophilia, torture and arms.

The war heroes you most honoured turned out to be homosexual, child-sex, abusing necrophilliacs. Your supposed enemies turned out to be your agents who removed your cousins in opposing monarchies. Your prime ministers turned out to be your nephews and your bankers turned out to be your parents.

Your genealogy is illegitimate and the only consistent breeding line has been secret society spy bankers who used you to declare war whenever you were prepared. Never has a double agent family, like your own, been so completely involved in treachery, and such expansive treachery.

From the close scrutiny of history, which is your history, I have come to the conclusion that the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, Windsors, and Mountbattens are illegitimate treasonous double agent families who should be exiled from anything commoners call integrity.

You are the descendants of a long line of anarchists and in the correct light of history you have pirate status.

Yours sincerely,

Greg Hallett"

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