Oct 27, 2019

Academic Freedom to Discuss the Impact of Immigrant Diversity upon Canada

UBC Students for Freedom of Expression - UBC SFE
Here is the video of our presentation with Dr. Ricardo Duchesne and Mark Hecht. This was the event that drew targeted violent protest by militant groups outside of campus allying with the so called "Students Against Bigotry" (more like the "Bigots Against Studentry"). If you heard about the violent riot that ensued be sure to check out the presentation yourself and determine whether this event and these speakers warrant the violent borderline terrorist response that preceded it.
Ricardo Duchesne and Mark Hecht gave their opinions about Canada's current immigration situation as well as how immigration has been approached historically in other states. Regardless of their positions it doesn't seem at all appropriate to engage them with the level of vitriol that has permeated a lot of modern discourse.
Please watch the video and if you can, please subscribe to our youtube channel. We also have a Patreon, and we would be appreciative if you take a look.
Thank you to all of our supporters and have a great weekend

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