Mar 15, 2020

"Divest Holds Protest During Open House" - The Argosy article by student Zoe Hunter

Article online by local student and news editor at "The Argosy"...  .. written by Mount Allison University student Zoe Hunter, who is the daughter of prosperous local entrepreneurs Dave Hunter and his Austrian wife of the locally-based "Karen Marine Phytoplankton" - a very lucrative company that relies on shipping its "food" product from Cadiz Spain to Canada for distribution..
Their Facebook page:

These superb and healthy food products [green powder] are packaged in materials made from fossil fuels.  Dad's company is doing very well and the family is becoming very rich from their capitalistic venture.  They initially had a sandwhich shop in town when Zoe was a little girl with her brothers growing up here and attending the local schools.  I have observed the family work hard as capitalists and attain financial success during my 10 years here.  I wonder if Dad Entrepreneur Dave perhaps needs now to have an unapologetic talk with the "Divest MTA" group about his company's shipping methods, products packaging and distribution and the usefulness of fossil fuels when it comes to his company's products and his success.

If any student writes an unbalanced article I will be critical of them here to highlight the deficient education that they are receiving on the campus.

Book recommendation for Zoe and others:
Alex Epstein - "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels".

More here:

Indoctrinations against the beneficial uses of fossil fuels are wrong and abusive, not educational... its a largely an anti-capitalism and anti-white agenda being taught on campus by academics who contribute little to our society at this point and these students and/or families all pay a lot of money to be "dumbed down" by ill-informed and destructive professors.

More on the 'colonial' propaganda here:

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