Jun 4, 2020

America in Flames | KMN LIVE - Adam Green report

Humans behaving badly.

#Start Peace #LoveIsAllYouNeed

#Peace is Love #DigitalKnights

Meanwhile in Sackville downtown:

Hundreds gather in Sackville for anti-racism vigil

"Nearly 300 people gathered outside Sackville’s main post office today as part of a silent vigil to protest against racism.
Participants were responding to an invitation on Facebook yesterday from former Sackville poet laureate Marilyn Lerch who wrote:
“I would like to stand in front of PO at noon Wednesday with a sign about racial injustice. Would anyone join me?”
Today’s vigil was one of a series of protests across Canada and the U.S. sparked by the killing last week of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who had been handcuffed and pinned to the ground by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota for more than eight minutes while they ignored his cries that he couldn’t breathe." writes Bruce Wark local agitator mouthpiece.
... I have a message for Marilyn Lerch a local agitator:  stop agitating and please relax and resist doing 'protests'.  People are not stupid.  Do not insult their intelligence with your simplifications of the landscape of culture and how people interact with one another in Canada.. we are a peaceful town... it is only in your mind where there is a lot of noise.. learn to meditate and shut down that noise.  Protest culture is the problem, clearly!

1 comment:

  1. I rather agree. The whole thing smacks of the Soviet style, with their parades of bored people.

    I don't know if Lerch is a true believe or gets some advantage from doing what she's doing, but either way, I'm left feeling that her ilk find themselves to be better than the rest of us. She should stick to writing poems on the back of grocery lists, and then burning them to light the stove when she's done.
