We who live in this town and are subjected to the ONGOING controlling culture of university dominance in the town are amused that we are now being led to believe, by the presstitutes, that the younger visiting people have all the answers and that we should obey their clear-headed and uncorrupted, albeit indoctrinated, thinking and directives... all I can say to this line of thinking is this:
Where is the larger collaboration and why is the millennial voice so needlessly amplified and submissive to the so-called authorities?
FYI: "Taskfarce" Carolle is well aware that I have a huge problem with her meddling antics and fear-mongering around here over the years.. I can't stand her incessant bleeting - lefties are misguided souls.
The problem is the bias and lack of 'diversity of ideas' - there is no problem giving voices to the 'greens' its the rest of us here that feel left out.