Sep 22, 2021

Local Coviet Criminal Anne Comfort - Mount Allison University's Vice President of International and Student Affairs

 Follow along with this coviet at her Twitter... Anne Comfort (@AnneComfort) / Twitter

Photo below is from Twitter [Anne Comfort is pictured on the right with Patty Quinn, on the left] Both of them are smug about being vaxxed and promote their big pharma friends online... why?  Do they look very healthy to you?  They don't look like the picture of health to me at all.... and only in their 50s.

How dare these women enforce and promote oppressive face masks and remove vaxx choice for the young people in this town in the university's care? How Dare You!?  You should be fired for your bad behaviour; not Rima Azar!  Walk back this policy - it is illegal and unfair and abusive work by you.

October 1st mandatory vaccinations / testing ? Why? Totally unjustified bullying ... with only 48 dead in the province of 777,000 [mostly old people with other health issues]  -- this is medical tyranny... not health and safety... Anne Comfort is not a doctor, not an expert, and not a good voice for health.  Why are they still even calling this a pandemic? Why are they still playing the coviet game? They are ONLY enriching big pharma vaxx corporations and the testing companies at this point.... why? Do not comply with their fraudulent demands -- do not allow this woman to make a health decision for you.  In fact, Anne Comfort should tender her resignation immediately.  Anne Comfort was also promoting mandatory face muzzles like a fool on their campus for healthy, young people -- this is a great way to make the students and workers have health problems and anxiety problems.  Anne Comfort does not have the students' best interests at heart .. young people put here in her care... does she even have a heart? Remember:  my body; my choice!

Sackville U.N.-censored: Ms. Uncomfortable wants you to wear a mask.... Anne Comfort's Biggest Fuck UP yet (

Anne Comfort spoke with CHMA 106.9 fm Erica Butler, another coviet propagandist, listen at this link:

Tantramar Report: Mt A’s new vaccination rule, nurses’ union pres on rejected deal, and Levee on the Lake this weekend » CHMA 106.9 FM (

Stand up for safety and health and INFORMED CONSENT respecting the jabbies being pushed here.

Here's a tip for the unaware... the State has never stopped abusing ALL humans... its not something you should only regard and acknowledge once in a while and only natives.. its all of us.. so wake up! Connect the dots here folks.  The local Mayor is the State... so what message is he really sending here?

This is part of the 'virtue signalling' agenda....

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