Warktimes.com latest article is at this link:
Tantramar Town Council says no to signing another pledge of confidentiality | (warktimes.com)
Feel free to leave a comment at his article.
Good article.. Bruce, you’re doing God’s work here… I find the entire discussion of transparency and accountability mute at this point… our well-paid Town Hall staff are under the impression that the public have a say.. when in truth even something as simple as creating videos that have no input allowed is just a tip of the iceberg.. when asked why their Youtube Channel comment section is closed… no one seems to know… it’s like they are running on their own Agenda at this point [re-adjust tinfoil hat]. Either you like democracy, free speech, and discussions–no matter how controversial and upsetting to some.. or you don’t. Simple."
Bruce Wark at Warktimes.com is a journalist who retired from CBC and has taught journalism -- its local news he focusses on and its been interesting to see the discussions take place in his comments section. NB Media Co-Op will also republish his articles from time to time - see the link below:
Bruce Wark – NB Media Co-op (nbmediacoop.org)
Other locals covering our news scene include Erica Butler at Mount Allison University's "CHMA FM"
See also "Welcome to New Brunswick" on Twitter: