Jul 26, 2024

Bruce Wark at Warktimes.com Fails to Report on this Article from Ontario Landowners.. Why? Self Censorship?


Article is at this Ontario Landowners' website link:

Why won't local reporters talk about this report? Is their Agenda to suppress real news?  Where is Bruce Wark on this story? Where is Erica Butler at CHMA FM Mount Allison University when it comes to reporting on this article by Cheryl Gallant MP Ontario?  Is there a blackout on any negative news with Justin Trudeau?  Is the local news biased? Yes. Is this a problem? Yes!  

How is that I am the only publisher in this town who actually bothered to call Cheryl Gallant and discuss her article with her directly? I am not a journalist! I'm a local blogger.  I'm not even on Facebook.. I'm not on Youtube.. I'm not on Instagram.. I'm not on LinkedIn ... all those platforms have banned me.. Why?  

Don't we all have a duty to pay attention and speak out about what we see?  If we stay silent on the things that actually matter what will be the outcome?

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