Jul 28, 2024

Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Ezra Levant, Tamara Lich - Gatekeeper Grifters of Our Time


These three useful idiots Musk, Peterson, Rogan are puppets of the 'technocracy'.. well funded to promote a particular agenda.. and there are many such gatekeepers and distraction "Crown" agents for "Terra Carta Chuck" including Canada's Ezra Levant and Tamara Lich.. Jordan Peterson was made hugely popular to keep people's attention away from the key Greg Hallett information and disclosures.. Jordan has been closely linked with the United Nations for many years.. he is not a freedom fighter or an advocate for liberty.. he is just a very wealthy motormouth grifter con-artist.

Why is the midget grifter Tamara now being placed in England? To distract from the efforts of Greg Hallett... Tamara Lich is an obediant little puppy dog, and a useful idiot for the status quo.. she is well promoted by Jordan Peterson and Ezra Levant as a "freedom fighter" but she is just another very well paid and promoted con artist.

Acknowledgement of King John III will not come from people such as Ezra Levant "Rebel Media"... Ezra is a QEII medal recipient for "journalism" and he is paid very well to keep his big fat yap shut about Greg Hallett's important disclosures at http://kingjohnthethird.uk

Talk about what really matters to you in 2024.
The Great Awakening is unstoppable.. BE REAL.

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