Sep 26, 2024

Why I'm Voting for Bruce Phinney Conservative MLA for Tantramar


You will not find a single politician locally who has the long standing record of serving the people of this region with as much integrity and honesty and engagement as Bruce Phinney.  His record on council speaks for itself.  He has been so much of an advocate for transparency and truth that the local mafia at the town hall have suspended his pay and punished him not once but twice in the past.  I dare anyone to stand up for what is right in this town and not get hammered.  Bruce Phinney is a rare bird.

He gets my vote and hope you throw your support behind him too.  He does not back down.  He sees problems but also wants to discuss solutions with anyone who will engage with him.  His style is to draw up the conversation and see where it goes.  He does not struggle with ideologies because he is an elder who has lived long enough to understand that everything is nuanced and everything needs to be addressed from the point of view of more voices not less.  You won't find anyone as honest and as good natured in politics in this town today.  I have talked to a lot of politicians since I moved here in 2010 and Bruce Phinney has always been the most genuine and the most accessible.  Phinney returns phone calls and returns emails... he is a stickler for being in touch and being honest and if he doesn't know the answer to something he will find out for you and get back to you.  Bruce Phinney has also shown the most support for the Tantramar youth's new concrete skate park project and he has also disclosed to me the ongoing problems and the various people who have been blocking the project here.  I trust him.  I support him. He'll work for us.

Thanks Bruce Phinney for stepping up in 2024.

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