Jan 16, 2025

"Densification" of Downtown Sackville New Brunswick - Courtesy of John Lafford, Builder/Landlord

"Big Building" ....
or Build Back Beauty?
Local Bruce Wark reports here:

Big building could be coming to downtown Sackville |

some commentary below..

by "Muzza" here..

"Muzza says:

Wow, that “example of what a seven storey building would look like” is absolutely hideous. It looks like something out of the 80’s from Brampton Ontario. Most buildings that look like that today are being torn down and replaced. I cannot imagine adding anything more ugly to downtown Sackville. Has Lafford even bothered to look at the new builds in Dieppe with their modern design? Also, I love the fact that our Planner is all smiles, doing the bidding of developers and investors instead of looking out for the people of Sackville. No wonder Lafford is smiling in the background. Says a lot about our public servants and elected officials. Here’s an idea, cast a judicious eye to development requests instead of being a rubber stamp."

and by local Meredith Fisher:

"Meredith Fisher says:

Sadly, this is what happens when a small community divests itself of a vision to respectfully protect its heritage, built heritage and cultural heritage. Rather than realizing the strength in having a cohesive plan for development, important streetscapes of the community become something that resembles confusion. One just needs to visit St. Andrews, Lunenberg or Wolfville to witness places that understand how having a strong vision for planning interesting, beautiful streetscapes is important to community success.
Meredith Fisher
Sackville NB"

To be fair John Lafford is in-line completely with "sustainable development" smart-growth and also more recently [2020] launched "Sustainable Markets Initiative" with Terra Carta Chuck [Charles the fake king in England]-- but is Lafford in-line with the overall majority here and their wishes for the development and aesthetics of their town? Does it matter what the majority of townsfolk think now?

What else would stimulate the building of single family homes in 2025 in this town? Incentives.

More on the "Initiative" of the fake King:

Home | Sustainable Markets Initiative 

With so much room to move and so much property to develop here in Tantramar one has to wonder why pushing everyone in on top of each other is considered "progress" in 2025? Should we now just halt the "densification housing model" in favour of more small villages and neighbourhoods being developed? Naming lots of newly created streets where there would be many available serviced lots waiting for the new construction of affordable housing on brand new lots for sale would be the job of a truly "on the ball" and motivated culture in our Planners Club [Lori Bickford], Staffers at Town Hall & Town Councillors Team with Mayor Andrew Black.. This would take vision and hard work.. are we going to be able to achieve this vision of truly growing our region?  Are we not positioned beautifully to see a blossoming of more housing opportunities vis-a-vis "neighbourhoods" rather than just more towers? Discuss this amongst yourselves... and if you have money consider the idea of becoming an investor in this type of project for the region.. there are ways to manifest the vision of a more developed and even more prosperous Tantramar.. are we able to work towards that goal?

Food for thought here from Warktimes.com article commentary section:

"S.A. Cunliffe says:

I laughed out loud when Lori Bickford said “vibrant” when referring to that big new 7 story apartment building towering over the landscape like a monolithic but necessary and apparently welcome build [they tell us all that we need more housing and we’re going to get it but its not built to be beautiful or elegant is it?]. By removing those three older heritage style architecture a little bit of specialness dies again here and change is the only thing you can count on these days.. and regret for what was a lovely quaint charming landscape being ambitiously transformed by the strong although baffling desire for “densification”. The word densification is about packing people in on top of each other like sardines… is it really necessary in a place with so much land and room to move? Lafford Legacy = densification in the town. I only wish he would put his considerable talents into building neighbourhoods of beautiful single family homes – and they don’t have to be large – but more new attractive homes for sale would be preferrable to this current “chicken coop” contribution. “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” – World Economic Forum. Lafford is completely inline with ‘sustainanable development’ smartgrowth pack and stack housing that the United Nations crowd promote and we are all about the United Nations’ ideologies here – we even fly a UN flag here. Lafford is a very wealthy man who could stop and retire comfortably tomorrow if he wanted to but he seems compelled to continue building more unattractive housing. Pity. The name “Laffordville” might just be appropriate Elaine.. you’re not wrong"

What about alternative housing solutions?

More at this video here:  Low Cost Natural Earth Cob Builds

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