Apr 4, 2022

Update & Support for Rima Azar - Targetted by Cancel Culture at Mount Allison University


Brittany Levionnois writes:

"My heart sank when I read what was being said about my compassionate friend, my sons Aunty Rima. To watch misunderstanding and defamation burn through social media like wild fire... it was infuriating. I questioned what our society has become? 1/4

Is this what the future holds for my sons generation? A constant battle of virtue signalling, oppression, suppression of thought and cancellation... No real attempt at communication, freedom to think, attempt at understanding or attunement. 2/4

But as I write this, I am grateful and full of appreciation for everyone who has stepped up on behalf of Rima. Actually, on the behalf of humanity because that’s what Rima is all about... a better tomorrow. So, Thank you! Tomorrow will be better. 3/4

From the bottom of Bambi’s heart: Thank you! Merci! 4/4 "

From the bottom of Bambi’s heart: Thank you! Merci! – Bambi's Afkar (bambisafkar.ca)

Rima Azar is a great example of the culture on campus to 'shut people up' who you find are not going along with the 'narrative' which is unfortunate because universities are supposed to be places where ALL IDEAS AND CONCEPTS are up for discussion and challenge... especially Liberal Arts Boutique universities... if this university fails to uphold Rima's rights to exist and work on their campus as a woman with a mind and a unique voice; in my opinion they have little value to society at this point.  Should she be re-instated it will be a time to heal, learn and move on for all the young people who think its perfectly OK to destroy the lives of others in this town who don't share their views - your tolerance of Rima and others like her is your passport to a better life of peace, acceptance, love, understanding and a deeper exploration of what it means to be a human being ... abide, keep the conversations going, be prepared to be an uncomfortable adult, be forced to think deeper, survive... words shouldn't hurt you. Be real.

[That's my advice as an outsider to all the campus culture vultures.]

Rima's website here: Academia – Rima Azar, PhD, Personal Website

More at Bruce Wark's website this week:

Mt. A. professor’s challenge to 7-month unpaid suspension will be heard behind closed doors | (warktimes.com)


  1. It seems to me that the university and union have been doing their best to hide what is going on, and I find that disturbing.

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

  2. Today you'll find that "think tank" Winston Churchill Society shill in Calgary Mark Milke has zeroed in on Rima for his purposes... they are always so predictable... aren't they? Why? Simply put:
    subversion is their way - recommended reading "The Perestroika Deception" by Anatoliy Golitsyn ... https://archive.org/details/pdfy-TVvzZzfXiMBkMdvD/page/n1/mode/2up
