Aug 23, 2024

SMARTgrowth isn't so smart... builders needed in Town of Tantramar in 2024

 reposting from 2022..

Builders are wanted 2024 and beyond:

It is time to see more liveable new housing builds for the people -- who doesn't want to have a little more space?  Housing solutions are found with builders not with the government or planners.

After over a dozen years of watching the busy builder of blah J.R. Lafford cash-in here building ugly pack and stacks [soviet-style apartment blocks] in our town I'd welcome new developers on the landscape who appreciate beauty and design and human quality of life.

There is no shortage of land and all people need more than a "box for their dwellings" -- we should no longer be tolerating "density building housing" ... we are a town so townhouses could be our go-to housing strategy... I don't care what professional planners and experts will tell you, apartment buildings are ugly and limit the lives of the people dwelling in them... if you don't have a little bit of outdoor garden space to sit in, a deck, a balcony, and some grass around your home to do a bit of gardening you might as well just be living in jail.

Town houses - fourplexes - duplexes - triplexes are all very attractive, spacious &decent housing.

NIMA Construction... Facebook:

Samples here at Lebson Realty:

Lebson Realty | Moncton NB | Facebook:

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