Nov 17, 2022

What is "NB ACORN" and Why Does Town Councillor Candidate Alice Cotton Promote It?


Alice Cotton promotes her Facebook "work" at the local "Tantramar Affordable Housing" group here:

Tantramar Affordable Housing Initiative (

I'm not on Facebook but I would say that if people continue to, like Alice, declare we are 'unceded territory' and advocate for 'socialized' housing owned by the government they will find their property taken from them and given to the collective or land community trusts.. this is why I discuss and promote education on 'communitarianism' and property rights... owning property should not be a hardship for anyone.. the biggest problem for people is taxation and unfair costs associated with building, owning, buying and creating housing... the answer is not government housing... anyone, like me, who challenges Alice Cotton, along with grifting pal Margo T. King, on her Facebook page is on the right track.  We do not need a 'housing strategy' Alice, we need less taxation and more freedom to build, no matter how humble, homes of our own on the lands which are so abundant in the region.  

Advocate for liberty for people to build more homes, and that would help.  Attacking existing homeowners or landlords is a bad strategy Alice.

As far as most people are concerned they think being taxed at 40% is just fine.. why? Its robbery.

More here on what they advocate building together under the gentle label of 'community' -- they're actually working on a dictatorship of community, not cool but it is their 'Agenda'- read here:

Kata List Productions says:

"Mike Gallant: Open Sky was founded by Margaret who ran as a Green in 2010 and lost.. the entire operation is collectivism/co-op grifting nannystate dollars which flows perfectly into the green agenda of people who rely on the community organizers to plan their lives and give them their political ideologies… its a gentle kibbutz system they are building.. try not to think of it as centralized planning, not yet anyway."

Kata List Productions says:

Thanks for letting us all know that the Open Sky were actually paid by politicians to use their farm space… it does help for us all to understand how the money flows… your questions brought forth some honesty here in the public forum. Now, as far as the farm goes it is a funded venture called nannystatism by me because it would not exist without government support and lots of volunteers… and other promoters such as Megan Mitton the politician… and her friends in the town… I do not and have not and have no plans to support this venture. I hope this clarifies any confusion you may have had about me and my ‘vote with your money’ mentality… yes, you said communism there I did not because it is not communism it is a radical third way called communitarianism – not capitalism and not communism .. you could learn more about this ‘ism’ by studying the work of the late Niki Raapana which is available on the web, if you choose to educate yourself as I have."

from this article:

NB Greens gearing up for next provincial election, Coon says | (

I'm amused by Mike Gallant to be honest... imagine instructing people where to buy food:

Mike Gallant says:

"I completely disagree with your characterization of Open Sky as some type of grifting organization. They do fantastic work there with young adults who are facing various challenges in their lives – I volunteered there and witnessed the many great programs, acts of kindness and positive change in peoples’ lives. There is no nefarious, communist plot going on. But don’t take my word for it – talk to the dedicated staff there, pay a visit during one of their numerous open houses or buy some of their great farm produce."

Remember George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" - all pigs are equal.. some are more equal than others...

Muzzled for speaking truth in this town? Sure... so what.. that's why I blog and publish here. I don't mind calling out the 'grifters' when I see them, I think they should be highlighted:

OF NOTE:  Town of Sackville just GAVE $2000 free money to the Open Sky Coop for building a greenhouse [via their change agents at Renaissance Sackville] ... favouring a social enterprise with ever more grants and more free money is hardly a fair system... I boycott their farm and its products because I believe in self-sustaining ventures that do not take money and can support themselves as a matter of fact I believe that even for questioning the promotion of this farm and owner [a Town Councillor at the time] Margo T. King a few years back on the Town of Sackville Facebook page got me banned from commenting there by ? Ron Kelly Spurles ? Phil Handrahan CAO ? Matt Pryde ? 

Renaissance Sackville has had zero interest in helping to promote a new concrete Tantramar Skatepark Project -- Renaissance Sackville grifter Harold Jarche asserted to me when asked that its 'just nothing something we would help with'... thanks for nothing Harold "Jerky".

I have to engage online where and when possible so that I can explain this 'Agenda' of control and nannystatism, and I am probably the only one speaking about its problematic and coddling 'Agenda'.

Photography by Indie Media Eastcoast

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