Sep 7, 2023

Toronto Star interviews Buffalo Chronicle indie publisher Matthew Ricchiazzi, New York State

 Toronto Star interviews Buffalo Chronicle indie publisher... at this link:

Toronto Star interviews Buffalo Chronicle publisher | The Buffalo Chronicle

Matthew Ricchiazzi is the publisher of The Buffalo Chronicle.  He holds an MBA from Cornell University’s Graduate School of Management; and a BS from Cornell’s Department of City & Regional Planning. In 2007, he was a Public Policy & International Affairs Fellow at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School.

some commentary found at this article:

May you live in interesting times.. You might find this interview from 2007 with Canada’s Lenny Bloom and New Zealand’s Greg Hallett interesting and noteworthy and more recently Hallett’s Claim of Kingship in the UK at
I found it necessary to start a blog after being censored by the local town hall here on Facebook.
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