Aug 29, 2024

CHMA FM Erica Butler Reports At University since 2020 [from Halifax Examiner]

It is election season in New Brunswick....

 Coming to Sackville New Brunswick in 2020 Erica Butler transplanted from the Halifax Examiner - see reporting here:  Erica Butler, Author at Halifax Examiner

You can't leave a comment at their university campus website and this indicates your feedback isn't required at all. Weird.  You are welcome however to donate to their website.  CHMA FM is funded by Rotary Club and Community Radio Fund of Canada.

Latest from Erica Butler at CHMA FM here with Mario Levesque at Mount Allison University:

Levesque talks Tantramar candidates, issues, and return of on-campus polling » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (

"And Tantramar voters have a special status in this year’s election. Based on population numbers used to redraw electoral boundaries last year, Tantramar has the lowest number of electors in any riding in the province, with just 9059. Neighbouring ridings of Shediac-Cap Acadie and Dieppe-Memramcook both have over 12,000 electors. “We deviate by just over a third in this riding,” says Levesque. “So our vote has the most weight in this whole province.” "

Levesque arrived on campus in 2012. [I arrived in 2010]

Of additional note:  "The Libertarian Party of New Brunswick" led by Keith Tays has now been registered for this election in 2024 -- so you may still yet see a candidate for that party in Tantramar - more at their website:

The Libertarian voice is always missing from the political conversations in this "progressive" riding of "educated folks".. I am always amused by that simple fact.  Perhaps their candidate could come from the student population?  To be honest and to be truthful how many people wouldn't be aware that by simply lowering the massive burden of taxation you would see an instant improvement to every voter's life and we'd all enjoy an invigorated and stimulated economy naturally?  Of course an "academic" like Mario WOULD NEVER mention this simple truth; he's part of the problem.  Our local chattering class of academics in their comfortable lives dwelling in secure jobs in their " ivory towers " never suffer financially.. they're "tenured" and well paid -- very much taken care of by the nannystate they support 100% ... but they do look down in judgment on the working class with a combination of pity and detachment.. offering up their word salad on fixes.

"About Us

 Welcome to the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick, where we stand firmly on our principles to ensure all individuals have the freedom to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit, as long as they do no harm to another. Our core beliefs revolve around significantly reducing the size and intrusiveness of government, cutting and eliminating taxes at every opportunity, and allowing peaceful, honest people to offer their goods and services without inappropriate interference from the government.
We believe in a society where peaceful, honest individuals can make their own decisions about how to live their lives, free from the fear of criminal or civil penalties. Founded in 2024, our party advocates for a more prosperous New Brunswick.
As part of the broader Libertarian movement, we are dedicated to expanding individual freedom to its furthest limits. We affirm the principles of no person or institution having the right to initiate the use of force or fraud against another, and that the only moral purpose of government is the preservation of individual rights. We also recognize the voluntary exchange of goods and services as essential for a free and prosperous society.
By joining the Libertarian Party of New Brunswick, you’re not just becoming a member of a political party; you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals committed to making New Brunswick a better place for all. Together, we can work towards a future where individuals are empowered to make their own choices and live their lives to the fullest, without undue interference from government or other institutions."

Its OK to have big dreams, desires and hopes for your future... its a great ambition to have.. to want to live a beautiful and abundant life.. design below by my amazing and talented young relative in Calgary Alberta.. "T.S. Architectural - Calgary"

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